12 Peach Roses Bouquet with Mocha Cake

$71.95 (4,030.81)
1000 item(s)

12 Peach Roses Bouquet with Junior Mocha Cake Red Ribbon

Yummy mocha cake with creamy mocha icing and filling topped with melt in your mouth chocolate and mocha swirls. It comes in a square size and can be personalized with your own special message.

Serves 12 persons.

Please Note: In case of unavailability, the ordered cake variant will be replaced with another available cake variant of equal value.

Please note: If this color rose is not available then it would be replaced with red color roses.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

Delivery Area: All Over The Philippines.

At the same price!

$84.95 (4,759.10)
$84.95 (4,759.10)