Basket of 12 Roses and 12 Carnations

$85.95 (4,815.13)
1000 item(s)
Basket of 12 Roses and 12 Carnations
Looking for a way to show your significant other how much you care?
Look no further than this gorgeous basket of 12 roses and 12 carnations! This stunning arrangement is sure to make a lasting impression and is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care.
Features & Benefits:
-12 beautiful roses: The perfect way to show your loved one how much you care, these 12 stunning roses are sure to make a lasting impression.
-12 carnations: Adding a touch of elegance and sophistication, these 12 carnations are the perfect addition to this bouquet.
-Basket: This bouquet comes arranged in a beautiful basket, making it easy to transport and display.

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