12 Red Roses Bouquet with Marble Cake & Bear

$121.95 (6,831.93)
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12 Red Roses Bouquet with Marble Chiffon Cake by Goldilocks & Teddy Bear 

A combination of vanilla and choco chiffon cake iced with vanilla buttercream icing.The surface and side of the cake is attractively decorated with streaks of chocolate frosting with 12 red roses bouquet and teddy bear 

Please Note: In case of unavailability, the ordered cake variant will be replaced with another available cake variant of equal value.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

Please Note: Bear Color and Design May vary, Depended on Market Availability.

Delivery Area : Any Part in Philippines.

At the same price!

12 Red Roses Bouquet,Balloon,Cake w/ Toblerone
$139.95 (7,840.34)
$134.95 (7,560.22)