12 Pink Roses Bouquet with Birthday Mocha Cake

$84.95 (4,759.10)
1000 item(s)

Birthday Mocha Chiffon Cake by Goldilocks with 12 Pink Roses Bouquet 

Light - brown colored mocha chiffon cake iced with mocha butter créme icing. The sides of the cake are bordered with vanilla butter créme icing cake with 12 pink roses cake 

Please Note: In case of unavailability, the ordered cake variant will be replaced with another available cake variant of equal value.

Please note: If this color rose is not available then it would be replaced with all red color roses.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

Delivery Area: All Over in The Philippines.

At the same price!

1 Dozen Rainbow Rose Bouquet
$91.95 (5,151.26)
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